Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New Term

So, I start a new term tonight...yay! Tonight's class is Intro to Literature--should be great. I always get so excited when I start a new class. Two of my classes will be online this time around and that is wonderful. It means that most of the time I will only have to drive two hours each way on one night per week.

Lord, I wish I was disciplined enough to keep up with this blog. I want to journal, really I do. I just forget. Or get caught up in assignments. Or get lost in the latest crochet project. I need some sort of reminder, I suppose.

One other thing I need to get back into my routine: weight watcher points. Agh, I fell off the wagon bad and I'm having a heck of a time catching back up to that beast.

Well, off to prepare for the evening.


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